The 1st International Workshop on Social
Drones for
Health and Well-being
@ Nordic CHI 2022
9th October 2022, Aarhus, Denmark
The main aim of the proposed workshop is to take an interdisciplinary approach in building an understanding on AI driven social drone in the context of health and well-being.
The first workshop will bring together researchers interested in the design, development, and evaluation of social drones for health and well-being. We anticipate the main outcome of the workshop to be the identification and investigation of open issues for AI-drive social drones, ranging from data acquisition, adaptive social behaviors, and autonomy in real world environments.

included, but are not limited to:
User-Centered Methods for Drone Interaction
Designing Drones acting as social entities
Personalized drones
Drone social behaviors
Real-time adaptive solutions
Studies of Human-Drone Interaction, with quantitative/qualitative approach
Human-centred Data Acquisition Methods
Data-driven models
Experimental methods
Specific applications of drones
Experience design
Human Factors
Design methods
Health and wellbeing application
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Important dates
September 1st: Deadline for position paper submission
September 2nd: Notification of acceptance
September 7th: Camera ready paper submission
Paper format and submissions
The publication of a post-workshop journal special issue will be investigated and announced during the workshop.
Submission Instructions
Template Download Links
Microsoft Word
LaTeX: Use sample-manuscript.tex inside the samples folder for submissions
Overleaf: Select ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template
All position papers will be published via the workshop’s webpage.
Workshop Organizers

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
mobaid [at] chalmers [dot] se
Kıvanç Tatar
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
tatar [at] chalmers [dot] se
Mikael Wiberg
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Alan Said
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Mattias Rost
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Alexandra Weilenmann
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Wafa Johal
University of Melbourne, Australia
Friederike A. Eyssel
Bielefeld University, Germany