MASOM v1.30

Comparison of Factor Oracle, Variable Markov Model Max Order Variation, and Variable Markov Model Prediction by Partial Matching-C for Musical Agents based on Self-Organizing Maps

This section accompanies the following publication:
->Tatar, K., Ens, J., Kraasch, J., Fan J., & Pasquier, P.A Comparison of Statistical Sequence Models in Musical Agents based on Self-Organizing Maps. Submitted to the Artificial Intelligence Journal. In review.

Please find examples of music generated by MASOM v1.30 below. Several models have been trained using two corpora of electroacoustic music and experimental electronic music with repetition. If you are interested in further details, please stay in tune for the upcoming paper.

The examples below are also available here to download.

Corpus 1 - Electroacoustic Music 

Factor Oracle

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
All Corpus
Variable Markov Model Max-Order Variation (3rd Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
Variable Markov Model Max-Order Variation (5th Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4

Variable Markov Model Prediction by Partial Matching (3rd Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
All Corpus
Variable Markov Model Prediction by Partial Matching (5th Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
All Corpus

Corpus 2 - Experimental Music with Repetition 

Factor Oracle

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
Subset 5

All Corpus

Variable Markov Model Max-Order Variation (3rd Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
Subset 5

Variable Markov Model Max-Order Variation (5th Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
Subset 5

Variable Markov Model Prediction by Partial Matching C Variation (3rd Order)

Subset 0
Subset 1
Subset 2
Subset 3
Subset 4
Subset 5
Kıvanç Tatar

Art Collectives
-> A.I.D (Istanbul)
-> Gold Saucer (Vancouver)

-> Foundation
+ upcoming...