
Journal Publications

->  Tatar, K., Ericson P., Cotton K., Núñez del Prado P. T., Batlle-Roca R. Cabrero-Daniel, B, Ljungblad S., Diapoulis G., Hussain J. (2024). A Shift In Culture through Artificial Intelligence. Leonardo Journal, MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/leon_a_02523. Open access author formatted version: 📰 

-> Strauss L., Tatar K., Nuro S. (2021). instance: Soma-based Multi-user Interac.tion Design for the Telematic Sonic Arts. Organised Sound, 26(3), 390-402.

-> Tatar K., Bisig D., & Pasquier P. (2020). Latent Timbre Synthesis: Audio-based Variational Auto-Encoders for Music Composition Applications. The Special Issue of Neural Computing and Applications: “Networks in Art, Sound and Design.”
︎Related Project: Latent Timbre Synthesis

-> Tatar, K. (2019). Initial Remarks on Analyzing Acousmatic Music from the Perspective of Multi-agents. Array, special issue on Agency. International Computer Music Association.

-> Tatar, K., Prpa M., & Pasquier, P. (2019). Respire: A Virtual Reality Art Piece with a Musical Agent guided by Respiratory Interaction. Leonardo Music Journal Volume 29.
︎Related Projects: Respire, POEMA, Pulse.Breath.Water 

-> Tatar K. & Pasquier P. (2019). Musical agents: A typology and state of the art towards Musical Metacreation. Journal of New Music Research, 48(1), 56–105. 
︎Related Projects: REVIVE, MASOM

-> Tatar K., Macret M., & Pasquier P. (2016). Automatic Synthesizer Preset Generation with PresetGen. Journal of New Music Research, 45(2), 124-144. 

Conference Publications

-> Chen, Jiafeng, Tatar, Kıvanç, & Zappi, Victor. (2024). A Deep Learning Framework for Musical Acoustics Simulations. In Proceedings of the AI Music Creativity Conference. Oxford, London, September 2024.

-> Cotton, Kelsey, & Tatar, Kıvanç. (2024). Sounding out extra-normal AI voice: Non-normative musical engagements with normative AI voice and speech technologies. In Proceedings of the AI Music Creativity Conference. Oxford, London, September 2024.

-> Cotton, Kelsey, de Vries, Katja & Tatar, Kıvanç. (2024). Singing for the Missing: Bringing the Body Back to AI Voice and Speech Technologies. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing. Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2024.

-> Caravati, Matteo, Tatar, Kıvanç. (2024). Interfacing ErgoJr with Creative Coding Platforms. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing. Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2024.

-> Cotton, K., & Tatar, K. (2023). Caring Trouble and Musical AI: Considerations towards a Feminist Musical AI. In Proceedings of AIMC 2023.

->  Tatar, K., Cotton, K., Bisig, D. (2023). Sound Design Strategies for Latent Audio Space Explorations Using Deep Learning Architectures. In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing 2023. Paper

->  Obaid M., Tatar, K., Wiberg M., Said A., Rost M., Weilenmann A., Johal W., Eyssel F. (2022). Social Drones for Well-being.  Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2022.

-> Diapoulis G., Zannos I., Tatar, K., Dahlstedt P. (2022). Bottom-up live coding: Analysis of continuous interactions towards predicting programming behaviours. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Music Expression Conference 2022. Paper

->  Zappi V,. Tatar, K. (2022) The Neuralacoustics Project: Exploring Deep-Learnin for Lightweight Numerical Modeling Synthesis. In Embedded AI for NIME: Challenges and Opportunities Workshop at New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2022.

-> Bisig D., Tatar, K. (2021). Raw Music from Free Movements: Early Experiments in Using Machine Learning to Create Raw Audio from Dance Movements. In Proceedings of AI Music Creativity Conference 2021. Best Paper Award.

-> Boerson R., Liu-Rosenbaum A., Tatar K., Pasquier P. (2020). Chatterbox: an interactive system of gibberish agents. In Proceedings of 26th International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA 2020. ︎Related Project: Translanguaging

-> Tatar K., Pasquier P., Siu R. (2019) Audio-based Musical Artificial Intelligence and Audio-Reactive Visual Agents in Revive. In Proceedings of the joint International Computer Music Conference and New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2019 (ICMC-NYCEMF 2019). Paper 
︎Related Projects: REVIVE, MASOM 

-> Fan J., Thorogood M., Tatar K., Pasquier P. (2018). Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Mixing on Perceived Emotion of Soundscape Recordings. In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing (SMC 2018). Paper 
︎Related Projects: REVIVE, MASOM, Respire, POEMA, Pulse.Breath.Water 

-> Tatar K., Pasquier P., & Siu R. (2018). REVIVE: An Audio-Visual Performance with Musical and Visual Artificial Intelligence Agents. In CHI EA ’18 Extended Abstracts (ArtCHI) of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1–6). Montreal, Canada: ACM Press.  
︎Related Projects: REVIVE, MASOM

-> Prpa M., Tatar K., Françoise J., Riecke B., Schiphorts T., Pasquier P. (2018). Attending to Breath: Exploring How the Cues in a Virtual Environment Guide the Attention to Breath and Shape the Quality of Experience to Support Mindfulness. In Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 71-84). ACM Press.
︎Related Projects: Respire, POEMA, Pulse.Breath.Water

-> Prpa M., Tatar K., Schiphorst T., & Pasquier P. (2018). Respire: A Breath Away from the Experience in Virtual Environment. In CHI EA ’18 Extended Abstracts (ArtCHI) of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1–6). Montreal, Canada: ACM Press. 
︎Related Projects: Respire

-> Tatar, K. & Pasquier, P. (2017). MASOM: A Musical Agent Architecture based on Self-Organizing Maps, Affective Computing, and Variable Markov Models. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Musical Metacreation (MuMe 2017). Paper 
︎Related Projects: MASOM

-> Fan, J., Tatar, K., Thorogood, M., & Pasquier, P. (2017). Ranking Based Experimental Music Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2017).
︎Related Projects: REVIVE, MASOM

-> Prpa, M., Tatar, K., Riecke, B. E., & Pasquier, P. (2017). The Pulse Breath Water System: Exploring Breathing as an Embodied Interaction for Enhancing the Affective Potential of Virtual Reality. In the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Paper
︎Related Projects: POEMA, Pulse.Breath.Water

Manuscript Publications

-> Dignum V., Casey D., Cerratto-Pargman T., Dignum F., Fantasia V., Formark B., Hammarfelt B., Holmberg G., Holzapfel A., Larsson S., Lagerkvist A., Lakemond N., Lindgren H., Lorig F., Marusic A., Rahm L., Razmetaeva Y., Sikström S., Tatar K., Tucker J. (Submitted). On the importance of AI research beyond disciplinesPreprint

-> Tatar K., Bisig D., & Pasquier, P. (2020). Introducing Latent Timbre Synthesis.
︎Related Project: Latent Timbre Synthesis

My doctoral thesis is available ->︎

Kıvanç Tatar

Art Collectives
-> A.I.D (Istanbul)
-> Gold Saucer (Vancouver)

-> Foundation
+ upcoming...